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Jones, P.J.S, Qiu W., and De Santo E.M. 2011. Governing MPAs – Getting the Balance Right. Technical Report, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

This report presents work that was initiated at an international workshop supported by UNEP bringing together 20 marine protected area (MPA) case studies from different regions. These were subjected to detailed analysis employing a governance analysis framework developed by Dr. Peter Jones.

The report discusses the relative benefits for legally established MPAs versus those with alternative incentives (e.g. economic, knowledge and participative incentives). Page 28 lists examples of good practice that were identified when employing a legal framework for governance. The case studies that applied this government led approach (i.e. one with a clear legal framework) were all from UK, USA and Australia. This section also discusses the key challenges to this framework and the characteristics that usually determine its success.