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Corrigan, C. and Hay-Edie, T. 2013.  A Toolkit to Support Conservation by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Building Capacity and Sharing Knowledge for Indigenous Peoples. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK.

This toolkit presents a selection of practical resources, developed by numerous organisations, making them readily accessible to community-based organisations who manage ICCAs. The toolkit is divided into 5 thematic areas:

  1. Documenting Presence; 
  2. Management Planning; 
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation; 
  4. Communication; 
  5. Finance and Values. 

Unfortunately, none of the case-studies are from the Pacific Islands but many of the issues and principles are similar and can be applied in this region. Some of the techniques described from other countries are very interesting (e.g. kite/balloon mapping of terrestrial areas).  In addition to being a valuable resource to practitioners, the toolkit provides a reminder that the achievement of the emerging post-2015 sustainable development goals (SDGs) will need to be linked to a comprehensive valuation of ecosystem services, and be spearheaded by local civil society initiatives coming from the grassroots.