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We are inviting applications for a Travel Award for PhD Students and postdoctoral trainees to attend a scientific meeting with relevance to fishes" and aquatic organisms" research of their choice in 2018-2019. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee presided by the Prof. Dr. María Ángeles Esteban (Editor-in-Chief of Fishes) and Prof. Dr. Helmut Segner (Associated Editor-in Chief of Fishes).Candidates" Requirements:Abstract submitted to a relevant conferenceApplicant"s curriculum vitae, along with a one-page statement from the candidate describing his/her research interests and possible career plans.Recommendation letter from by his/her mentor.The Award will sponsor PhD students and postdoctoral fellows to attend an upcoming meeting, while presenting an abstract as a first author. The stipend will be given on a competitive basis. This grant is restricted to a one-time acceptance. The Award will consist of 800 Swiss Francs (approximately 830 USD/680Euro) and is sponsored by the journal "Fishes".Please apply online by 31th May 2018. The awardee will be announced in June 2018.Click on the link below to apply.