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Browse Protected Areas by Country

AS CK FJ FM GU KI KI KI MH MP NC NR NU PF PG PW SB TK TO TV VU WF WS Tonga (TO) Samoa (WS) Wallis and Futuna (WF) Vanuatu (Republic of) (VU) Marshall Islands (Republic of) (MH) Nauru (NR) Tokelau (TK) Niue (NU) American Samoa (AS) New Caledonia (NC) Kiribati (KI) Kiribati (KI) Kiribati (KI) Federated States of Micronesia (FM) Palau (PW) Papua New Guinea (PG) Fiji (Republic of) (FJ) French Polynesia (PF) Guam (GU) Solomon Islands (SB) Tuvalu (TV) Cook Islands (CK) Mariana Islands (CNMI) (MP)

Pacific Dashboard

0 Protected Areas

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Decision Making Support Tools

Browse Resources

  • This page is intended to provide you with links to relevant jobs search pages for the field of protected area implementation.  If you are on the…
  • There are many global initiatives that provide information, resources and tools for practitioners at protected areas. Due to the nature of these…
  • Pollution and the growing volumes of solid and hazardous wastes are major threats to the environments and sustainable development of the Pacific…

  • Learning Exchanges are a method of capacity building that can be particularly successful in the Pacific Islands, where similar cultures bond island…
  • The resources outlined below are designed to assist practitioners in the financial management of protected areas so that they can be sustained in the…
  • Presented here are examples of management plans for various kinds of protected areas from strict nature reserves to local village fisheries…

  • ​The objective of monitoring and evaluation is to determine if the management plan and annual work plans effectively contribute to achieving the…

  • Country-based and locally-based protected area partnerships are gradually becoming more wide-spread throughout the Pacific Islands. This is partly…
  • There are various conservation processes which have been tried and tested in the Pacific Islands.  These include, the Conservation Action Planning (…
  • Marine Resources provides a variety of documents and links to information on marine species, deep sea mining, coral reefs, fisheries, seamounts,…

  • The following links provide guidance on some of the scholarships, grants and financial management assistance that could be available to Pacific…
  • Communicating science and management within the local culture and finding innovative ways to encourage people to alter their behaviour are possibly…
  • Other useful resources

  • There is a wealth of information that can be used by managers when designing individual protected areas and protected area networks. These guidelines…
  • Regional protected area networks and partnerships in the Pacific Islands build capacity of protected area practitioners through the provision of…
  • Community Based Management resources

  • The Pacific Islands are extremely vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate.  However, incorporating climate change…

  • Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is a place-based approach to natural resource use that aims to restore and protect the health, function and…

Supported By

BIOPAMA - From knowledge to action for a protected planet
ACP Group of States
European Union
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
Joint Research Centre (JRC)