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United National Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 2008. National and Regional Networks of Marine Protected Areas: A Review of Progress. Cambridge, U.K.

Prior to the Aichi targets being developed, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) required that Party states: 
  ‘establish, by 2012, comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas’, and that there should be ‘effective conservation of at least 10% of each of the world's ecological regions by 2010’

This report reviews the progress that was made by 2008, using information from literature, marine protected area (MPA) practitioners and planners, and conservation experts. The report focuses on progress being made at regional, national and sub-national levels. The report describes 30 national and 35 sub-national ecological MPA network initiatives.

Although these goals have now been superseded by the Aichi targets and additional data has become available (e.g. Govan 2009), there is still useful information on MPA networks and relevant information for the region contained in this report.