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Video - Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands

 'Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands' depicts the revitalization of traditional conservation practices in the islands of Papua New Guinea. The community of Anagusa Island is combating the effects of climate change and protecting the coral reefs they rely on using gwala: the traditional practice of setting aside a reef or forest area to allow the ecosystem to recover. Gwala is helping the community of Anagusa Island prosper - empowering men and women with improved access to food and livelihoods.

Video - Remote Papua New Guinea communities harness the power of technology for conservation

BIOPAMA has provided 16 grants in 9 countries to carry out on-ground protected area management work. Tenkile Conservation Alliance received a Small Technical Grant to support the conservation of Critically Endangered tree kangaroos. For information on upcoming call for proposals please visit

February 11, 2022

Through funding received from the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA) through the BIOPAMA grant facility has been able to provide access to modern field equipment to over fifty village communities in Papua New Guinea’s