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Pacific Island leaders through the Pacific Oceanscape Strategy make 'Liaising, Listening, Learning and Leading’ a strategic priority.  This section of the portal is intended for knowledge and expertise exchange among the users of the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal.  It is currently still under development, but is proposed to have the following sections in the future:

Share and Discuss: 

Through the portal, you should have the opportunity to share and discuss your ongoing work, including any challenges or highlights, with other users of the portal. CLICK HERE to engage in the PIPAP talanoa discussion forum.

Ask an Expert:

We will soon be adding a list of experts in various aspects of protected area implementation and management.  We are particularly interested in including experts that work or have worked in the Pacific Islands region.  We will align experts with resource categories already used in the portal, as they came from scoping and needs assessment already carried out.  If you would like to be one of our experts, or nominate someone else, please send us an email.  As an expert, you will be expected to answer email questions and inquiries from members of our Pacific Islands protected area communities.