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Most protected areas in the world are affected to some degree by invasive species.  The spread of plants and animals across the world has been occurring since humans began travelling across the oceans and the continents bringing with them species they like and unknowingly transporting other species.  Modern globalisation has made the spread of species easier.  Controlling/eradicating invasive species is a continuous aspect of protected area management, a line item in the budget.  Although the challenge of invasive species can be daunting, there are success stories on Pacific Islands.  Recovery: The Miracle on Palmyra atoll tells the story of rodent eradication by the application of the rodenticide, brodifacoum, and the subsequent recovery of plants and animals.

What are invasive species?

Invasive species are introduced species that become destructive to the environment or human interests on Pacific Island terrestrial and marine protected areas.  Invasive species can also include some native species that proliferate and become destructive following environmental changes caused by human activities.  Native species are plants, animals and other organisms that occur naturally on an island or offshore in a marine environment, having either evolved there or arrived there without human intervention. 

What's so harmful about invasive species?

Environmental harm by invasive species refers to a biologically substantial decrease in environmental quality as indicated by a variety of potential factors, including declines in native species populations or communities, degraded habitat quality or long-term habitat loss, and/or altered ecological processes. Environmental harm may be a result of direct effects of pests on native species, including preying and feeding on them; causing or vectoring diseases; preventing them from reproducing; outcompeting them for food, nutrients, light, nest sites, or other vital resources; or hybridizing with them so frequently that within a few generations, few if any truly native individuals remain.  Environmental harm also can be the result of an indirect effect of pest species. For example, decreased water bird use of a wetland may result from pest plant infestations reducing the availability and/or abundance of native wetland plants that provide forage or nesting for water birds.

Guidelines for Invasive Species in the Pacific (Directives relatives à la gestion des espèces envahissantes dans le Pacifique)

This document lists the essential components of a comprehensive and effective invasive species management programme. It has been compiled in consultation with Pacific island countries and territories, to support them in developing their invasive species work, and to guide regional and international agencies in providing assistance to them.

In general, invasive species control involves using methods based upon effectiveness, cost, and minimal ecological disruption, which considers minimum potential effects to non-target species and the protected area environment. Pesticides may be used where physical, cultural, and biological methods or combinations thereof are impractical or incapable of providing adequate control, eradication, or containment. If a pesticide will be needed, the most specific (selective) chemical available for the target species should be used unless considerations of persistence or other environmental and/or biotic hazards will preclude it. Pesticide usage may be further restricted in order to comply with any nation’s or territory’s environmental laws.  

Throughout the life of a protected area’s management plan, most proposed pesticide uses should be evaluated for potential effects to biological resources and environmental quality. Pesticide uses with appropriate and practical best management practices for habitat management as well as facilities maintenance should be approved for use where there likely will be only minor, temporary, and localized effects to species and environmental quality based upon non- exceedance of threshold values in chemical profiles. However, pesticides may be used in a protected area where substantial effects to species and the environment are possible (exceed threshold values) in order to protect human health and safety (e.g., mosquito-borne disease).

Major invasive species initiatives are underway in the Pacific.  Pay attention to information in the following networks and projects.  These web sites will be greatly expanded in the near future.

Pacific Invasives Battler Resource Base (BRB) - This resource is to assist Pacific island invasive species practitioners in their battle against invasive species.  t includes the “Guidelines for Invasive Species Management in the Pacific” which outlines a set of themes and objectives to assist in forming a comprehensive invasive species programme. It includes the Pacific Invasive Species Battler Series on common Pacific topical issues and an option to see what new resources have been added lately. You can also search for documents, case-studies, reports and other media by selecting the appropriate “Guidelines” theme or objective, or use the general search function by selecting tags related to the resources.

Pacific Invasives Learning Network (for invasive species teams, information and much more)

Pacific Invasives Partnership

GEF-PAS Invasive Alien Species Project


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ANTS - Pacific Invasive Ant Key

Pacific Invasive Ant Key (PIAkey) - an illustrated identification guide to invasive ant species commonly encountered in the Pacific island region.

Ants: AntWiki

AntWiki: a wealth of information on the world's ants

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Pacific Island biodiversity has a notorious record of decline and extinction which continues due to habitat loss and degradation, invasive species, overexploitation, pollution, disease and human-forced climate change.

FINAL REPORT - Seabird Survey of Aleipata Offshore Islands, Samoa. 24-26 October 2022

The Aleipata group of offshore islands have been identified as one of eight Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Samoa. They are located at the south-eastern end of Upolu Island at 14o3’447.28”S, 171o25’23.84”W (Nu’utele) and 14o4’22.11”S and 171o24’36.17”W (Nu’ulua) offshore.

Guidelines for Invasive Species Management in the Pacific

Tye, A. (compiler).  2009.  Guidelines for invasive species management in the Pacific:  a Pacific strategy for managing pests, weeds and other invasive species.  SPREP, Apia, Samoa.  

Guidelines for invasive species planning and management on islands

Invasive species’ (often called pests, weeds and diseases) are plants, animals, disease agents and other organisms taken beyond their natural range by people, deliberately or unintentionally, and which become destructive to the environment or human livelihoods.

Harnessing island–ocean connections to maximize marine benefits of island conservation

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Invasive Alien Species - Pacific

Invasive Alien Species - Pacific is Birdlife International's major thrust to save Pacific island birds.  

Invasive alien species in aquatic environments. Practical information and management insights

A new 2015 publication “ Invasive alien species in aquatic environments. Practical information and management insights” is now available in English.

Marshall Islands' National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

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Nauru Biological Rapid Assessment (BIORAP)

The findings of this BIORAP survey have identified or re-confirmed the critical importance of the biodiversity and ecosystems of Nauru's terrestrial and marine environments and the urgent need for follow-up activities to manage and mitigate threats for their conservation.

Pacific Invasives Initiative

Pacific Invasives Initiative is a leading provider of technical support and capacity development for invasive species management in the Pacific

Pacific Invasives Learning Network

Pacific Invasives Learning Network  empowers effective invasive species management through a participant-driven network that meets priority needs, rapidly shares skills and resources, provides links to technical expertise, increa

Pacific Invasives Partnership

Pacific Invasives Partnership is the umbrella regional coordinating body for agencies working on invasive species (pests, weeds and diseases introduced f

Rapid Biodiversity Assessment (BIORAP), Nauru. June 2013 - Synthesis Report

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The Republic of the Marshall Islands - State of Environment Report 2016

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Thirty Years of Research on Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (1986–2016): Scientific Advances and Emerging Opportunities

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Unwanted networks: Vessel traffic heightens the risk of invasions in marine protected areas

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Vanuatu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan [NBSAP] 2018-2030

Vanuatu signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) joining other 190 CBD parties to protect our global biodiversity. Vanuatu’s first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) was developed and endorsed in November 1999.

Video - BIOPAMA grantees' voices: MELAD Kiribati

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Video - Long Story Shorts: How Do Invasive Species Take Over?

Invasive species start as strangers in a strange land but over time come to dominate their new homes. The ocean has played host to some of the most prolific of these infiltrations of our time. So just how are these marine invaders able to adapt and thrive in new neighborhoods?