The Takitumu Conservation Area is located on the south-eastern side of inland Rarotonga and covers 155 hectares of upland forest, scrub and fernland. The conservation area has played a major role in protecting one of the world’s rarest landbirds, the Rarotongan flycatcher or Kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) which has now been successfully transferred to the island of Atiu. The Conservation Area also provides birdwatchers with a chance to see and hear other native birdlife, including the unique i’oi (Rarotonga starling) and kukupa (fruit dove). Furthermore, the Conservation Area contains 70% of all the plant species found in inland Rarotonga, including the Rarotonga fitchia or neinei (Fitchia speciosa) and the rare Rarotonga ground-orchid (Habenaria amplifolia).