There are many global initiatives that provide information, resources and tools for practitioners at protected areas. Due to the nature of these initiatives, they tend to be broad-scale and do not necessarily hold information about many of the smaller protected areas such as those in the Pacific where many protected areas fall under local indigenous conservation and management. However, some of these global networks and partnerships provide practitioners with tools that can be adapted for use anywhere. You may also find that there are training, funding and other opportunities that can help you with efforts in your own location.
Below are descriptions of some global protected area networks and partnerships providing information and support to practitioners around the world. There are also a large number of other networks and partnerships that can provide conservation and technical assistance in various forms.
A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation
Understanding the scale, location and nature conservation values of the lands over which Indigenous Peoples exercise traditional rights is central to implementation of several global conservation and climate agreements.
Advancing Sustainable Development and Protected Area Management with Social Media‐Based Tourism Data
Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard - NatureServe
The Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard
Measuring Progress and Challenges to Conservation