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Regional protected area networks and partnerships in the Pacific Islands build capacity of protected area practitioners through the provision of technical assistance, training, resources and other forms of valuable support. Below are descriptions some key regional networks and partnerships striving to provide support to protected area practitioners.  However, there are also a large number of other networks and partnerships that can provide conservation and technical assistance in various forms.  See below for more information on these.

A Comparative Analysis of Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) Evaluation Tools for the Pacific Islands Region

This report was commissioned by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to raise awareness and understanding of the tools available to evaluate Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME); to provide case studies from the region on PAME assessment; and to help inf

A role for UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme under the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

A case is put forward to make best use of UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme (RSP) for the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF).


This document presents a synopsis of the current state of knowledge for hawksbill turtles in the western Pacific Ocean region, including biological and ecological knowledge of nesting and foraging populations, legislative provisions, and detailed recommendations and proposals for addressing ident

Biological Surveys of Carondelet, a Shallow, Submerged Seamount in the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati

Carondelet is a remote seamount in the Phoenix Islands of the Republic of Kiribati. Earlier expeditions of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) were not able to survey the seamount due to challenging ocean conditions.

Biophysically special, unique marine areas of Fiji.

Fiji is committed to, and is embarking upon, a process to significantly increase the number and coverage of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the country.

Biophysically special, unique marine areas of Tonga.

In 2015, the Tongan Cabinet embarked upon a National Marine Spatial Planning process, establishing a marine spatial planning technical working group comprising seven Ministries (the “Ocean 7”). One of their tasks was to identify Tonga’s special, unique marine areas.

Blue Pacific Ocean 2021 Report

This Blue Pacific Ocean 2021 Report (BPOR) is indeed a first of its kind.

Capacity Development for Protected and Other Conserved Areas in the Pacific Islands Region

This document is an important tool for promoting action. It highlights the importance of culturally‐responsive capacity development, with Pacific Islanders defining the most appropriate approaches to be used.

Conservation International Pacific Islands

Conservation International (CI) is leading numerous initiatives across the Pacific region, helping communities and governments define and establish marine protected areas and create sustainable development activities.

Conserving our sea of islands - State of protected and conserved areas in Oceania

Conserving our sea of islands: State of protected and conserved areas in Oceania is a landmark publication, bringing together regional and international experts to prepare the first comprehensive review of the status and issues for protected and conserved areas in the region.

Current trends suggest most Asian countries are unlikely to meet future biodiversity targets on protected areas

Aichi Target 11 committed governments to protect ≥17% of their terrestrial environments by 2020, yet it was rarely achieved, raising questions about the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework goal to protect 30% by 2030.

First Quadrennial Pacific Sustainable Development : Executive Summary 2018

This Pacific Sustainable Development Report 2018 (PSDR) is the first quadrennial Pacific progress report on sustainable development. The report outlines high level trends on progress to date, as well as baseline information.

Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region, 2014-2020

The 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas held in Suva, Fiji, December 2013 produced and adopted a new Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2014-2020.


This report is the result of a collaboration between the Convention on Migratory Species and the UN Environment Programme as part of the CounterMEASURE II plastic pollution programme, generously funded by the Government of Japan, to assess the impact of plastic pollution in the Asia-Pacific regio

Kingdom of Tonga - Special Management Area Report 2020

In 2016 a partnership was developed between the Tongan Ministry of Fisheries and James Cook University in Townsville, Australia.

Locally-managed marine areas: multiple objectives and diverse strategies

Community-based management and co-management are mainstream approaches to marine conservation and sustainable resource management. In the tropical Pacific, these approaches have proliferated through locally-managed marine areas (LMMAs).

Necessary and sufficient conditions for Sustaining Community-Based Conservation Area Projects : experiences from the South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme (SPBCP) / paper presented at 19th Annual Pacific islands Conference, June 20-23, 2000 Am

The sustainability of conservation area projects presently supported by the South Pacific
Biodiversity Conservation Programme is a major concern as the programme winds down
to its termination in December 2001. The development and implementation of transition

Pacific Coral Reef Action Plan 2021–2030

Many Pacific coral reefs are being damaged by habitat disturbance, pollution, fishing and climate change. Climate change is believed to be the greatest human-induced threat to corals in the Pacific region. The region needs an action plan to make cohesive decisions that will benefit coral reefs.

Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021- 2025

This Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas2021-2025 is the principal regional strategy document for environmental conservation in the Pacific.

Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021-2025

This new Pacific Islands framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021-2025 was endorsed during the conference and subsequently at the 30th SPREP Meeting by 26 members countries and territories in 2021.

Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme 2022–2026

The Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme (Marine Species Programme) of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) is a regional strategy for conserving and managing dugong, marine turtles, whales and dolphins, sharks and rays, and seabirds, referred to thro

Pacific Regional Action Plan - Marine Litter 2018-2025

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA), has prepared this Pacific Marine Litter Ac

Pathways to sustaining tuna-dependent Pacific Island economies during climate change

Climate-driven redistribution of tuna threatens to disrupt the economies of Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and sustainable management of the world’s largest tuna fishery.

PIPAP GIS Supplementary Training Video 1 : QGIS Basics

This package/collection of training materials constitute an introductory, basic-level training to open source GIS software (QGIS) targeting technical-level government officers.

PIPAP GIS Supplementary Training Video 2 : Building Maps in QGIS

This package/collection of training materials constitute an introductory, basic-level training to open source GIS software (QGIS) targeting technical-level government officers.

PIPAP GIS Supplementary Training Video 3 : Mapping GPS Data in QGIS

This package/collection of training materials constitute an introductory, basic-level training to open source GIS software (QGIS) targeting technical-level government officers.

Progress Towards Protected Area Targets

Protected Area targets have been set globally, regionally, and sometimes at a country level.

Protected Area Short Courses in Australia, Asia and the Pacific: training issues, needs and recommendations

This report is the outcome of a review commissioned by the Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC) in 2018, with the following aims:

Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC)

Protected Areas Learning and Research Collaboration (PALRC)

The purposes of PALRC are to:


To formally launch the second phase of the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) programme, a regional inception workshop for the Pacific was held at the Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Apia, Samoa from 11th to 15th June 2018.

Sea Turtle Monitoring Manual

This manual is not a summary of all that is known about sea turtles. There are already very good books and resources that do that. It is also not exhaustive about research and monitoring. Nor it is the global synthesis of all turtle research options.

Talanoa (Meeting House)

Pacific Island leaders through the Pacific Oceanscape Strategy make 'Liaising, Listening, Learning and Leading’ a strategic priority.  This section of the portal is intended for knowledge and expertise exchange among the users of the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal.


The first edition of the Newsletter of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Oceania (2019). IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) is the world's premier network of protected area expertise.

The Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT)

The Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT) is a coalition of nature conservation and development organizations, governments, inter-government, donor agencies and community groups created to increase effective conservation action in the Pacific Island Region. It w

Vemööre Declaration : Commitments to nature conservation action in the Pacific Islands region, 2021-2025

“Vemööre” is a term in the Kwenyï language spoken by people from the Isle of Pines in New Caledonia.

Video - BIOPAMA grantees' voices: MELAD Kiribati

Experiences from the Kiribati Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development regarding their medium grant under the EU-ACP BIOPAMA Action Component focusing on management interventions for the Kiritimati Island Conservation Protected Area.

Video - Introduction to SPREP's Regional Marine Species Programme

The Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme (Marine Species Programme, or PIRMSP) is a regional strategy for the cooperative conservation and management of dugongs, marine turtles, whales and dolphins, sharks and rays, and seabirds.

Video - Remote Papua New Guinea communities harness the power of technology for conservation

BIOPAMA has provided 16 grants in 9 countries to carry out on-ground protected area management work. Tenkile Conservation Alliance received a Small Technical Grant to support the conservation of Critically Endangered tree kangaroos.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) – Melanesia

WCS “scientists study what wildlife species need to thrive.  With this knowledge we invest in abating threats to wildlife within their most important strongholds and the corridors that connect them.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) – Melanesia

WCS “scientists study what wildlife species need to thrive.  With this knowledge we invest in abating threats to wildlife within their most important strongholds and the corridors that connect them.

World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Oceania Newsletter No.1, 2020

The first edition of the Newsletter of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Oceania (WCPA Oceania) for 2020 is now available.

Full Newsletter (Pdf)

World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Oceania Newsletter No.2, 2020

The second edition of the Newsletter of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Oceania (WCPA Oceania) for 2020 is now available.

Full Newsletter (Pdf)

World Commission On Protected Areas (WCPA) Oceania Newsletter, No. 4 2019

The fourth edition of the Newsletter of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Oceania (2019)

Full Newsletter(Pdf)