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Regional wetlands action plan for the Pacific Islands 2011-2013

The Regional Wetlands Action Plan (RWAP) for the Pacific Islands (SPREP, 1999) was endorsed by the 26 member countries and territories of SPREP. The Action Plan contained 28 priority actions in the areas of management, capacity building, research and monitoring for wetland ecosystems. In 2002, a formal memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and SPREP to promote the importance of wetland conservation in the Pacific Islands region.

Les mammiferes marins de la zone d'action du Programme regional oceanien de l'environnement (PROE)

On ne connait qu'une seule espece de mysticete, la
baleine de Bryde (dont il existe deux formes ou sous-
especes), qui sejourne toute l'annee dans la region du
PROE. Trois ou quatre autres especes - l'une ou les
deux especes de petit rorqual de l'hemisphere sud, la
baleine a bosse et la baleine bleue - migrent regulierement merit en saison dans certaines parties au moins de
la zone d'action du PROE. Le rorqual boreal et le rorqual commun ont egalement ete signals, mais ne sont
apparemment pas frequents (voir Rice, 1979, 321 ;

States of national biodiversity strategies and action plans [presented at] Regional capacity development workshop for the Pacific region on National Biodiversity Strategies and Action plans, Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and Integration of Climate change, Nadi, Fiji, 2-6 February 2009: item 3 of the provisional agenda

1. Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity/ requires each Party to develop or adapt national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and to integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.Available onlineCall Number: [EL]Physical Description: 11 Pages

Helping Islands adapt: a workshop on Regional Action to Combine Invasive Species on Islands to preserve biodiveristy and adapt to climate change: a global island partnership event

A Workshop on Regional Action to Combat Invasive Alien Species on Islands to Preserve Biodiversity and Adapt to Climate Change highlighted successes, deepened connections within regions and facilitated the exchange of experiences across regions.While discussions outlined significant obstacles to invasive alien species management2 on islands, they also showcased how targeted successes have led to major gains for conservation and development.Collaboration across developmental and environmental sectors and sustained support are critical to success in this field.Exciting new initiatives are dev