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Designing Marine Protected Area Networks to Achieve Fisheries Biodiversity and Climate Change Objectives in Tropical Ecosystems: A Practitioners Guide

Green, A., White, A., Kilarski, S. (Eds.) 2013. Designing Marine Protected Area Networks to Achieve Fisheries Biodiversity and Climate Change Objectives in Tropical Ecosystems: A Practitioners Guide. The Nature Conservancy, and the USAID Coral Triangle Support Partnership, Cebu City, Philippines.

Designing Effective Locally Managed Areas in Tropical Marine Environments: A Facilitator’s Guide to Help Sustain Community Benefits Through Management for Fisheries, Ecosystems, and Climate Change

Gombos, M., Atkinson, S., Green, A., & Flower, K. (Eds.). 2013. Designing Effective Locally Managed Areas in Tropical Marine Environments: A Facilitator’s Guide to Help Sustain Community Benefits Through Management for Fisheries, Ecosystems, Climate Change. Jakarta, Indonesia: USAID Coral Triangle Support Partnership. 

How is your MPA Doing?

This guidebook offers managers and other conservation practitioners a process and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the purposes of Adaptive Management. The evaulation is based on indicators that measure the effectiveness of management actions in attaining goals and objectives that are specific to MPAs, the marine environment and coastal communities.

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Designing Protected Areas and Networks

There is a wealth of information that can be used by managers when designing individual protected areas and protected area networks. These guidelines can maximize the benefits for conservation, fisheries, climate change, livelihood security, biodiversity and a host of other factors.  The resources in this section contain some papers that provide excellent background information and guidance for designing protecting areas in addition to some of the latest science-backed guidelines for designing protected area networks.