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November 11, 2021

The Pew Charitable Trusts today applauded several nations for including ambitious targets to protect and restore coastal wetlands in their updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Parties to the Paris Agreement are increasingly recognizing the role that coastal "blue carbon" habitats c

October 15, 2021

In a new paper published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, environmental science and management professor Elise Granek and lead author Casey Lewis, PSU alumna, report the findings of a census of zooplankton communities in non-native mangrove habitats and open coastline on the island of

September 15, 2021

If any single event was a watershed for conservation of the world’s mangrove forests, it was the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004...In the aftermath of the tsunami, some scientists reported that settlements behind swampy, shoreline mangrove forests often suffered less damage, and fewer casualties, th