Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Islands Region
Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Islands Region
•CO2 is an acid gas (it produces acid when combined with water)
Each of us adds 4 kg CO2 per day to the ocean (increasing acidity, reducing pH)
Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Islands Region
•CO2 is an acid gas (it produces acid when combined with water)
Each of us adds 4 kg CO2 per day to the ocean (increasing acidity, reducing pH)
MIT Climate CoLab (www.climatecolab.org) is an online crowdsourcing platform of over 58,000 members from around the world, sourcing innovative proposals on addressing climate change. Topic areas include land use, agriculture, and forestry, reducing emissions from the buildings and industrial sectors, creating sustainable ground and air transportation systems, smart zero-carbo
This report is primarily directed to analysing the legal aspects of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. It sketches the impacts of climate change in the Pacific Island countries, recognizing that climate change directly impacts ecosystems, which provide for the needs of people as well as for the maintenance of the natural environment. It takes as a given that ecosystem-based adaptation can provide cost-effective strategies for reducing vulnerability to climate change impacts and enhancing ecosystem resilience, thereby maintaining ecosystem services and sustainable livelihoods.