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Coastal wetland resilience through local, regional and global conservation

Coastal wetlands, including tidal marshes, mangrove forests and tidal flats, support the livelihoods of millions of people. Understanding the resilience of coastal wetlands to the increasing number and intensity of anthropogenic threats (such as habitat conversion, pollution, fishing and climate change) can inform what conservation actions will be effective. In this Review, we synthesize anthropogenic threats to coastal wetlands and their resilience through the lens of scale.

Decent Work in Nature-Based Solutions 2024: Unlocking jobs through investment in skills and nature-based infrastructure

This report – the second in a series of International Labour Organization (ILO)–United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)–International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) publications on decent work in nature-based solutions (NbS) – aims to improve the understanding of the role of NbS in the world of work and in a just transition towards environmentally sustainable and inclusive economies and societies.

World Bank Global Biodiversity Data

We describe below the data and provide an overview of the specific variables that are constructed for the analysis in the papers: “Revisiting Global Biodiversity: A Spatial Analysis of Species Occurrence Data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility” by Susmita Dasgupta, Brian Blankespoor, and David Wheeler” (2024) and “Estimating Extinction Risks with Species Occurrence Data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility” by Susmita Dasgupta, Brian Blankespoor, and David Wheeler (2024).

The Mangrove Restoration Tracker Tool: Meeting local practitioner needs and tracking progress toward global targets

Restoration is a key component of global and national efforts to combat ecosystem degradation, reduce biodiversity loss, and adapt to climate change, and there is currently an impetus to scale up restoration efforts. However, our ability to track progress toward restoration targets is limited by the lack of consistent and standardized data on objectives, interventions, and outcomes.

Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

What is Climate Change Communication? Climate change communication refers to the diverse processes by which climate change-related information, knowledge, ideas, emotions, meaning, values, and behaviors flow between individuals and through societies. The Yale Program conducts scientific studies on public opinion and behavior; informs the decision-making of governments, media, companies, and advocates; educates the public about climate change; and helps build public and political will for climate action.