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French Polynesia


Protected Area Count


Management Effectiveness Assessments

208.69 km² / 5,206,662.87 km² (0.00%) Protected


70.45 km² / 4,031.71 km² (1.75%) Protected


These statistics might differ from those reported officially by countries due to difference in methodologies and datasets used to assess protected area coverage and differences in the base maps used to measure terrestrial and marine area of a country or territory.

Source: from


Restoration of Kamaka Island, a sanctuary for Gambier biodiversity

In June 2015, an operation aimed at restoring islands of interest was carried out in the Gambier and Actéons islands. The eradication of the targeted introduced species was a success on all of these islands, except Kamaka, where the eradication of the Pacific rat (Rattus exulans) failed. In 2022, a second attempt via drone aerial baiting was made to preserve this site. It succeeded, and in 2023 rats were no longer found. The project was set up with the help of ENVICO, a drone company based in New Zealand, the landowners of Kamaka, Island Conservation, local members of the community & the Town hall of the Gambier.


By removing rats, the project has contributed to the conservation of rare seabird species, such as the Polynesian Storm-petrel (Nesofregetta fuliginosa) and many other indigenous species of the island. In addition, the local community has benefited from this restoration project through increased natural resources, reduced risk of diseases and increased economic opportunities. 

Location: French Polynesia

Source: from


Total: 1702
Endemic: 44
Threatened: 35
Threatened Endemic: 20
Explore the IUCN Red List
Key Biodiversity Areas

No data available.

Warm Water Coral Data

No data available.

UNEP-WCMC and IUCN 2024,
Protected Planet: The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)/The Global Database on Protected Areas Management Effectiveness (GD-PAME),
Oct 2024, Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN.
Available at:
Designation Reported Area Reported Marine Area IUCN Category Management Plan Status Status Year WDPA ID
Taiaro Strict Nature Reserve 9.23km² 9.23km² IV Not Reported Designated 1973 555547737
Commune de Fakarava UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve 9.30km² 0.00km² Not Applicable Not Reported Designated 1977 2068
Scilly Atoll Reserve Territorial Reserve 113.00km² 96.00km² IV Not Reported Designated 1992 4262
Mohotani Reserve Integrale Natural Reserve 15.50km² 7.75km² IV Not Reported Designated 1971 4263
Taiaro Atoll Nature Reserve Strict Nature Reserve 20.00km² 0.00km² IV Not Reported Designated 1972 71028
Lagon de Moorea Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance 50.00km² 0.00km² Not Reported Management plan is implemented and is available Designated 2008 109029
Bellinghausen (Motu One) Territorial Reserve 9.60km² 9.60km² IV Not Reported Designated 1992 220028
Ilôt de Sable Natural Reserve 0.01km² 0.01km² IV Not Reported Designated 1971 555547618
Eiao Island Natural Reserve 43.80km² 43.80km² IV Not Reported Designated 1971 555547619
Hatutu Island Reserve Integrale Strict Nature Reserve 18.10km² 9.05km² IV Not Reported Designated 1971 555547620