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Timor Leste, restoration

Aileu Municipality is a municipality with four sub-districts such as Remexio, Lequidoe, Aileu Vila and Laulara. Aileu municipality has a population of approximately 55,000. It is located in the north -western mountain region, affected by mass deforestation, landslides and erosion, food insecurity, as well as a collapsed watershed and catchment system. 

Remexio Sub District is one of the target areas for implementation of Scaling-up climate adaptation strategy, including water source restoration, environmental rehabilitation and sustainable food system. The project is implemented by Permaculture Timor Lorosa’e (Permatil) and funded by the Kiwa Initiative programme, managed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The Kiwa Initiative's Permatil project in Timor-Leste is a permaculture-based initiative that aims to improve food systems and climate resilience in the Aileu Municipality. The project aims to increase the knowledge, skill and attitude around affective watershed and water source management, environmental rehabilitation and resilient food system across Timor-Leste with one of the specific objectives is scaling-up environmental rehabilitation and creating food resilience as adaptation to climate change. 

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