RMI has been actively working on managing invasive species, including birds, through various initiatives. One significant effort is the endorsement of the National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP), which aims to enhance the effective management of invasive species and outlines priority actions to mitigate their impacts on RMI's biodiversity.
As part of efforts, of a broader strategy to protect the natural resources and environment of RMI from the threats posed by invasive species, the RMI Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce (MoNRC), in collaboration with Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management Support Service (PRISMSS) partner Island Conservation, held a training on Invasive Birds Management in Majuro. The training included a detailed focus on the management of the invasive Eurasian sparrow.
SPREP Project Manager for the GEF 6 Regional Invasive Species Project, Ms Isabell Rasch-Mulitalo shared that, “invasive birds are becoming a growing problem, however MoNRC is increasing its capacity to better manage invasive birds such as the Eurasian sparrow”.