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Makira, forest conservation

The Pamahima tribal community, the National and Provincial Government, the FAO Integrated Forest Management Project (IFMP), the Ecological Solution Foundation (ESF), and partners celebrated the launching and declaration of the Pamahima Tribal Forest Protected Area (PTFPA) at Arohane Village in Central Makira, Makira Ulawa Province (MUP) last week on February 27.

This is the first Protected Area launch for the Province (MUP) after two sites – PTFPA and Waihita Conservation and Protected Area (WCPA) – were gazetted on 10th September 2024, by the Minister of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), Hon. Trevor Manemahaga.

The Protected Area Management Committee organized the program with the support of its partners. MECDM was represented by the Director and officials of the Environment and Chairman of PTFPA Paul Taniara recalled that the journey wasn’t easy. “It took a very long time to arrive at this achievement. We are so thankful to all the stakeholders that have supported us throughout. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the Ecological Solution Foundation which has led us on this journey as well as the Integrated Forest Management Project (IFMP) under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which has resourced the implementation of activities in the PA process but as well as the technical guidance from Environment and Conservation Division of MECDM”.

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