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Marshall Island

As part of ongoing efforts to improve invasive species management and biodiversity conservation, the Majuro Atoll Inter-Island Biosecurity Training was conducted in RMI empowering representatives from various RMI government agencies and stakeholders.  The training session enabled participants to collaboratively identify potential pathways for invasive species introduction and assess associated risks to develop effective strategies and biosecurity checklists to ensure the protection of island communities.

A collaboration between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce (MoNRC), the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management Support Service (PRISMSS) partner Island Conservation, resulted in capacity building of 30 participants from a number of government agencies and other stakeholder organisations. Invasive species present serious challenges to island environments, affecting critical areas like food security, public health, biodiversity, culture, and infrastructure. As a global concern, these issues are particularly pronounced for atoll nations found in the region.

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