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by sprep-pa

Marine governance favors consumption and commerce over conservation. Here's what we can do about it.

by sprep-pa

The idea of better facilitating the exchange of expertise throughout our Oceania region has been envisaged by many parties for many years.

by sprep-pa
by sprep-pa

Dear Biodiversity Friends and Colleagues,

by sprep-pa

Mangroves serve an extraordinary range of beneficial uses from their place in the food chain to natural protection for coastal areas to their contribution to human health and well-being.

by sprep-pa

UN review on effectiveness of fisheries management shows definite room for improvement 

by sprep-pa

In a few weeks’ time the global body that regulates deep-sea mining, the International Seabed Authority (ISA), will hold its annual meeting where, among other issues being tackled, will b

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marine ecosystems and management