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by sprep-pa
by sprep-pa

Based on our analysis, our overall conclusion is that there remains a long way to go in reaching national and international targets to protect at least 10% of the ocean estate in North American countries.

by sprep-pa

Expansion of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument?

by sprep-pa

Raising Biodiversity Awareness to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target One

by sprep-pa

A team of researchers from NOAA Fisheries has put a dollar value on the “ecosystem services” provided by the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: about 17 billion clams, and we’re not talking about the bivalves. The swathe of open sea extends west from the stretch of Pacific Coast

by sprep-pa

A birds-eye view for planning – Cook Islands first Partici... Vaka Puaikura on Rarotonga now have their very first three dimensional model to help the district use integrated planning while maintaining sustainable use of their resources.The training on participa... More detail

by sprep-pa

Delegates at the International Coral Reef Symposium in Hawaii are unified in one discouraging observation: our reefs are dying. Culpability, they agree, lies with warming waters and careless human interaction with ocean resources.

by sprep-pa

A first for the Cook Islands: training on three dimensional ... Specialised training to equip local communities in the Cook Islands to undergo participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM) started this week for the district of Vaka Puaikura on Rarotonga.The pur... More detail

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