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PEBACC+ projet fiche descriptive

Le projet régional PEBACC+ (Pacific Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change Plus) vise à renforcer la résilience des écosystèmes, des économies et des populations par la mise en œuvre démonstrative, la planification et l’institutionnalisation de l’approche de l’Adaptation fondée sur les Ecosystèmes (AfE) et les Solutions fondées sur la Nature (SfN) pour l’adaptation au changement climatique.Physical Description: 2 p.

Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping (ESRAM) : Solomon Islands, Volume 1 : introduction and national assessment

This report presents Volume 1 (of three volumes) prepared as part of the Solomon Islands Ecosystems and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM) to assess and prioritise climate change-related ecosystem-based adapation options for selected locations in Solomon Islands. Volume 1 provides the generic project background and methodology relevant to all three volumes, together with the high level national scale assessment.Available onlineCall Number: [EL]ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0757-2,978-982-04-0758-9 Physical Description: p 141.

Adaptive marine conservation planning in the face of climate change: What can we learn from physiological, ecological and genetic studies?

Rapid anthropogenic climate change is a major threat to ocean biodiversity, increasing the challenge for marine conservation. Strategic conservation planning, and more recently marine spatial planning (MSP) are among the most promising management tools to operationalize and enforce marine conservation. As yet, climate change is seldom incorporated into these plans, potentially curtailing the effectiveness of designated conservation areas under novel environmental conditions.