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Video - Long Story Shorts: How Do Invasive Species Take Over?

Invasive species start as strangers in a strange land but over time come to dominate their new homes. The ocean has played host to some of the most prolific of these infiltrations of our time. So just how are these marine invaders able to adapt and thrive in new neighborhoods? This episode is part of our series Long Story Shorts—fun, quick explainers about all things coastal science!

Video - Plastic Paradise (English Version) - Long

Every year, the amount of plastic waste entering aquatic ecosystems is estimated between 9-14 million tons and this projection could nearly triple to 23-37 million tons per year by 2040. A report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has revealed that there are now over 150 million tonnes of plastics in the oceans. That's about one tonne of plastics for every three tonnes of fish. If the trend continues, plastics will outweigh fish in the oceans by 2050. This results in risks to human health and well-being through ingestion of seafood and fish contaminated with plastics.