The Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) Committee and National Environment Service have launched a management plan through to 2030.
In a moment of true significance, the District of ‘Nadogo’, aptly named ‘The Mangrove’ in indigenous Fijian, commemorated this year’s World Mangrove Day with an extraordinary milestone—the formal declaration of its inaugural permanent community island protected area.
First Nations in the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii of Canada, have successfully invested in conservation initiatives that have benefited ecosystems while also increasing communities’ well-being over the past 15 years, a recent report shows.
The Foirobo Tribe Biodiversity Conservation Association (FTBCA) in the Baegu region of North East Malaita launched its conservation project supported by the GEF Small Grants Programme.
New Guinea is home to 12 of 14 species of the elusive, charismatic tree kangaroo. Conservationists in Papua New Guinea have been fighting for decades to establish protected areas using these species as a flagship species for these conservation efforts.
Sirebe Tribal Association in Sasamuga, south Choiseul has become the first conservation site in the country to receive carbon credit from carbon trading.
Chiefs and traditional authorities of Western Santo have successfully concluded a Custom and Conservation Festival this month...With custom stories, dancing, music, cooking, slow food, agriculture, hunting, handicraft, and tabu histories, the Festival, hosted by Elia community, was the first ever