World Bank Group’s East Asia and the Pacific regional vice-president Victoria Kwakwa said the World Bank’s recently launched report, Banking on Protected Areas: Promoting sustainable nature-based tourism to benefit local communities...She said the report makes the case that the promotion of susta
The Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy TD, and Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President, Ahmed Saeed, today co-hosted a virtual consultation with leaders from the small island states of the Pacific aimed at preparing for a sustainable post COVID-19 recover
Most governments’ astronomical borrowing during the current pandemic pays scant attention to the effects that climate change could have on their ability to repay the debt.
The world is missing a once-in-a-generation chance to rebuild a sustainable post-pandemic future, the United Nations said Wednesday in an assessment showing less than 20 percent of recovery finance can be considered "green"...With renewable energy more affordable and scalable than ever,
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the economies of many small island developing states, particularly given their heavy reliance on tourism, a sector that has been on pause for almost a year...As they work to recover from the pandemic, they are tapping into new, innovative financing m
A group of economists, anthropologists, and environmental scientists from three continents argued that concrete policies to promote better management of biodiversity haven’t been prioritized in most economic recovery packages that countries around the world are proposing after the pande
Charting a “Green Path” for Recovery from COVID‑19
Should the economic recovery from the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) be green? The current crisis is so severe that we should not take the answer for granted. It requires serious thought and we start by reviewing some arguments for and against a green approach. A crucial element is of course to see how different industries fare in the current crisis. Our empirical contribution is to examine daily stock returns for firms from the STOXX Europe 600 index.
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so too is the road to economic recovery if we don’t get it right. The COVID-19 Recovery (Fast Track Consenting) Bill, currently rushing through the parliamentary process, certainly has noble aims.
Government plans to stimulate economic recovery from the covid-19 pandemic should support growth and employment in the sustainable ocean economy...Investments in sustainable aquaculture, offshore renewables and ecosystem restoration should form a key part of the post-coronavirus economic recovery