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Renforcement des Études d'Impact Environnemental: Directives pour les États et Territories insulaires océaniens

Since the early 1990s the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has been promoting the use of environmental planning and assessment processes amongst its member countries and territories. SPREP's approach to environmental planning and assessment has been part of a global programme for improving environmental management and supporting sustainable development.

Natural resources management and the environment in small island developing states.

The First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (also known as the Earth Summit) acknowledged that SIDS
are a special case for sustainable development (given their unique and particular
vulnerabilities).This gave rise to the First International Conference on SIDS in 1994
and the Barbados Program of Action (BPOA) which is the main policy framework
addressing the economic, social and environmental vulnerabilities facing SIDS. The
sustainable development of SIDS was also at the heart of the Second International