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An international assessment of the barriers influencing the effectiveness of island ecosystem management

Island ecosystems are disproportionally impacted by biodiversity loss and as such their effective management is critical to global conservation efforts. Practitioners worldwide work to manage island sites and species to conserve them, but various day-to-day barriers compromise these efforts, reducing management effectiveness and preventing local and potentially even national biodiversity targets from being met.

Advancing social equity and through marine conservation

Substantial efforts and investments are being made to increase the scale and improve the effectiveness of marine conservation globally. Though it is mandated by international law and central to conservation policy, less attention has been given to how to operationalize social equity in and through the pursuit of marine conservation. In this article, we aim to bring greater attention to this topic through reviewing how social
equity can be better integrated in marine conservation policy and practice. Advancing

Session 10: Governance that Works for Nature Conservation (Video)

This session will explore three levels of governance: regional, national and interinstitutional. Through concrete examples at each level, the speakers will describe how governance is organized today in the region at different scales, how enforcement is ensured, and what issues are encountered at every level. Ideally, the outcomes of the session should constitute a good base to build guidelines useful to improve the efficiency to stakeholders in charge of nature conservation and protected areas.Call Number: [EL]Physical Description: 1:04:13

IUCN WCPA Technical Note - Equity in conservation – what, why and how?

Achieving the target to conserve 30% of land and sea requires strong emphasis on equity. Equity in conservation is a matter of governance and includes recognition and respect for actors and their human and resource rights, equity in procedure (e.g., participation, accountability) and equitable cost/benefit distribution. Equity in conservation is crucial both for ethical reasons and for effective conservation and applies both to conservation actions on site, and to complementary actions designed to support conservation (e.g., stewardship incentives, support for local schools).

Lessons learnt in global biodiversity governance

INEA has featured many articles covering the dilemmas, puzzles, and tensions related to global biodiversity governance; this coverage was infrequent in earlier issues but has steadily increased as both environmental diplomacy and international law on biodiversity conservation and environmental justice have expanded. Using the defnition found in the Convention on Biological Diversity, we scanned INEA articles and derived several lessons learnt over the 2000–2020 period.