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Supporting Protected Areas Network, Pacific BioScapes Programme - Federated States of Micronesia

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to assist implementation of the Protected Areas Network Policy Framework in the Federated States of Micronesia through supporting the operations of the Protected Areas Network at national and state levels. This will include management, community protected areas support, capacity building, human resources, planning and meetings of the technical committee and management team.Call Number: [EL]Physical Description: 1 p.

Pacific Sea Turtle Conservation, Monitoring and Surveying, Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity

Through BioScapes, turtle extinction risk assessments from the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) programme will be utilised to develop regional threat reduction activities for five species of marine turtles. National turtle monitoring coordinators will be established to improved national monitoring and awareness raising for turtle conservation. A network of long-term turtle nesting survey sites will be established in selected Pacific Island countries.Call Number: [EL]Physical Description: 1 p.

Marine Spatial Planning, Pacific BioScapes Programme - Cook Islands

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to strengthen the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources through the use of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to achieve key ecological, economic, cultural and social objectives. Under the Programme, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will work closely with the Government of the Cook Islands to support marine conservation initiatives and sustainable planning activities.Call Number: [EL]Physical Description: 1 p.

Restoring Critical Habitats, Pacific BioScapes Programme - Kiribati

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to strengthen the sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity through effective Invasive Species Management in Kiribati. BirdLife International and EcoOceania will work closely with the WildLife Conservation Unit (WCU) of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development (MELAD) to manage invasive species on two islets on Kiritimati Atoll.

Marine Spatial Planning, Pacific BioScapes Programme - Kiribati

The Pacific BioScapes Programme aims to strengthen the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in Kiribati through the use of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to achieve key ecological, economic, cultural and social objectives. This approach acknowledges the integration of atoll ecosystems with those offshore and will assist the government of Kiribati to develop atoll-level bioregional maps. These maps will support the management of both terrestrial and marine species habitats.

Conservation Status and Cultural Values of Sea Turtles leading to (un)written parallel Management systems in Fiji.

Globally and locally, conservationists and scientists work to inform policy makers to help recovery of endangered sea turtle populations. In Fiji, in the South Pacific, sea turtles are protected by the national legislation because of their conservation status, and are also a customary iTaukei resource.