China is organizing a summit with Pacific Island countries in December 2021 to further cooperation in fisheries...China’s focus for the meeting with Pacific Islands leaders appears to be focused on distant-water fishing rather than aquaculture projects, as the head of China Distant-Water Fishing
After six years, the second Oceanic Fisheries Management Project in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) has come to an end...The aim of the project was to help the small island developing states of the WCPO ensure the sustainable management of their oceanic fisheries and to better unders
A genetic scientist and tropical root and tuber crops expert says the Covid-19 pandemic is an opportunity for Pacific countries to return to traditional food sources...Dr Lebot said the pandemic had shown the limits of international trade and globalisation and he felt there was an urgent need for
The importance of tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) cannot be underestimated. Approximately 60 percent of the raw material for the global tuna canning market comes from the WCPO.
The 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas has opened for registration and interested members of the public and organisations are now invited to register online! Discounted registration is available from now until end of January 2020.&nbs