Ensuring Resilient Ecosystems and Protected Areas in the Solomon Islands was the theme of a data workshop, co-facilitated by the Environmental and Monitoring and Governance(EMG) Programme of Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Solomon Island’s Ministry of Env
Fiji’s landscape restoration programme, which aims to plant 30 million trees in 15 years, has met half of its goal in less than four years. The Ministry of Forestry says in three years and eight months – Fijians and visitors have helped plant over 15 million trees and mangroves.
Employees of ANZ Bank Samoa have planted a total of 4,700 trees as part of the bank’s initiative to conserve native plant species and address the spread of invasive species plants.
On their 125th anniversary, Bank of Hawaii reached out to Palau Conservation Society with interest to plant trees to mark the Bank’s significant milestone. With 100 saplings donated from the Division of Forestry, 250 saplings donated from Ngardok Nature Reserve along with 26 volunteers
Samoa has set her sights on planting three million trees, and possibly more, to protect the environment and fight back against the adverse impact of climate change. As of 2020, more than 2 million trees had been planted by school children, community based groups, N.G.Os, sports people and ot
As the United Nations Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow winds down, many world leaders and corporate boards are embracing an increasingly popular idea to solve climate change: trees.
The Vunausi Environment Conservation Organization (VECO) has addressed one of the biggest environmental concerns for surrounding communities on the Tangoa mainland with its coastal rehabilitation project.
A team hopes a drone dropping thousands of seeds over the Hūnua ranges could provide a boost to native reforestation efforts. If the trial works, the drone-testing team say New Zealand could be progressing on the government's ambitious goal of 1 billion trees planted by 2028 years
The Samoa Conservation Society held an open-day at the O Le Pupu-Pue National Park on Saturday where they had planted over 200 trees as part of a carbon offset project...The carbon offset project is funded by the U.S.
The University of the South Pacific (USP) European Union Intra-African, Caribbean and Pacific Global Climate Change Alliance and the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) have successfully organised a 3-day tree planting workshop for a number of communities in