A new 2015 publication “ Invasive alien species in aquatic environments. Practical information and management insights” is now available in English. The first volume presents the current situation concerning IAS management in French freshwater (scientific knowledge, legislation, stakeholders, management).
The second volume is a collection of management experiments carried out in France and Europe. More than 60 managers have contributed and 26 species and 52 management experiments are described (objectives, protocols, results, costs, etc.).
This publication has been produced by the French working group on biological invasions in aquatic environments (GT IBMA), managed by the IUCN French committee and the Onema (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments), and can be downloaded on at: http://www.gt-ibma.eu/?lang=en
For more information please contact Emmanuelle Sarat, Invasive alien species project manager
IUCN French committee ([email protected])