This publication has been developed as a contribution to Phase II of the Two-phase Strategy on Protected Areas of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and prepared pursuant to various paragraphs of COP decision XIII/2 on protected areas, in particular paragraph 5(a-e), and paragraph 10 of decision XI/24. It is an attempt to illustrate the ecological, economic and social benefits of protected and conserved areas, in order to generate a stronger call for action by policy makers and others...The report provides information on how protected areas deliver economic benefits and conservation objectives. It does so by presenting case studies from around the world to showcase some of the tangible benefits to local communities. The potential audience for this report is wide ranging, from policy makers, at governmental and business level, to communities exploring the potential benefits of conservation. The results are hoped to inspire readers, to develop many more innovations and developments which link conservation objectives, sustainable livelihoods and resilient protected areas through the development of sustainable and appropriate economic benefits. The report also offers something of a reality check, outlining both details of what is needed to link conservation objectives successfully with economic benefits, but also highlighting where things can go wrong. It is certainly not a given that protected areas can, or should, provide economic benefits. However, when protected areas are effectively managed and governed their potential is substantial.