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Global biodiversity loss is rapid and ongoing. International efforts are redoubling as the international community realizes the importance of biodiversity in maintaining our life support systems. In 2004 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity committed to have effectively conserved at least 10% of marine and coastal ecological regions globally by 2010. Micronesian leaders responded to this commitment, and have taken this one step further by committing to effectively conserve 30% of nearshore marine and 20% of terrestrial resources by the year 2020. The Marshall Islands, the first Pacific Island country to prepare the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in 2000, now presents this document outlining our strategy to achieve the ambitious Micronesian Challenge. As a small island developing state, we have a strong dependence on our natural resources and biodiversity - not only for food and income, but our relationship with these islands forms the basis of our culture and society. This document, Reimaanlok, presents a clear roadmap of the way forward. To achieve the ambitious targets of the Micronesia Challenge requires us to be strategic about what needs to be done, and to bring all resources to bear. Now is the time for cooperation and collaboration. One agency or one person cannot effect the changes that are required to ensure the viability of our island biodiversity. The hard work and dedication of the Reimaanlok team, drawn from a number of government and non-government organizations in the Marshalls and utilizing the assistance of international expertise, demonstrates what can be achieved with cooperation by producing this National Conservation Area Plan. 

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