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State of Environment and Conservation (SOEC) webinar

This Pacific conservation or this Talanoa session is about the State of Environment and Conservation (SOEC) regional report 2020.
The aim of the webinar is to update you, our members and partners about the online resources to support your work in the region. To raise awareness regarding the Pacific SOEC website and to answer your question on what resources available on this website.Call Number: [EL]Physical Description: 1:01:14

Covid-era Policies and Economic Recovery Plans: are Governments building back better for Protected and Conserved Areas?

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact on conservation policies and practice at multiple scales, including protected and conserved areas (PCAs). There is a need to understand the implications for PCAs of recent actions, enacted or promoted in the wake of COVID-19. To fill this knowledge gap, we reviewed economic stimulus packages and other government policies that were implemented or advanced between January and October 2020.

Solomon Islands State of Environment Report 2008

The report was commissioned at the end of May 2008 with delivery of the final product by end June 2008. As such, it has been
researched and written over a very compressed timeline. Considerable shortcomings and inconsistencies in data
needed to be tackled in this period, and so a rapid desk assessment approach was used with limited opportunity for peer review and feedback.Available online|1 copyCall Number: 333.72 PAC ,[EL]Physical Description: 97 p.

Priority Sites for Conservation

This KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas – areas of high biodiversity and conservation value) report outlines key recommendations for the Government of Kiribati and its people for protecting its unique biodiversity and supporting sustainable livelihoods. A total of twenty-two island KBAs were identified and suggested for immediate management.

World Database on Protected Areas

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management.

IUCN WCPA Technical Note - Equity in conservation – what, why and how?

Achieving the target to conserve 30% of land and sea requires strong emphasis on equity. Equity in conservation is a matter of governance and includes recognition and respect for actors and their human and resource rights, equity in procedure (e.g., participation, accountability) and equitable cost/benefit distribution. Equity in conservation is crucial both for ethical reasons and for effective conservation and applies both to conservation actions on site, and to complementary actions designed to support conservation (e.g., stewardship incentives, support for local schools).