Fisheries officials call the marine national monuments unnecessary, and their boundaries are said to be under review by the Trump administration.Click on the link below to read the full article.
With 33% of national waters protected the EU Overseas spearhead efforts in global marine conservation. Click on the link below to read the full article.
Marine protected areas on the high seas could be on the horizon because of an in-progress United Nations treaty for marine life outside national waters. But are MPAs actually effective"Click on the link below to read the full article.
For three years researchers from 11 countries have been working intensively on questions about the consequences of deep-sea mining on ecosystems and environmental aspects in the 'MiningImpact' project...Click on the link below to read the full article.
This website was developed as a tool to managers, scientists and users of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). With this tool, you can classify any MPA based on the regulations (allowed uses) which apply to those areas. Click on the link below to visit the website/tool.
Palau is a sovereign state with a UN vote... In 2015 the country designated 80% of its territorial waters " an area roughly the size of Spain " as a National Marine Sanctuary. In the "Bul", as the sanctuary is known locally, commercial fishing is off limits.
On Fiji"s Independence Day, the 10th of October 2017, the community of Yacata Island declared a part of their traditional fishing grounds a no-take marine protected area or tabu in Fijian.Click on the link below to read the full story.
Australia and France are making a fresh bid to create almost one million square kilometres of marine parks in East Antarctica, but must first overcome opposition from China and Russia.Click on the link below to read the full story.
The concept of effectiveness comes up often in the MPA field...The most basic gauge of MPA effectiveness is pretty simple: Is a site achieving its stated goals or not" Click on the link below to read the full article.
In Chile in September at the Fourth International MPA Congress, there was a side event on satellite-based surveillance of illegal fisheries. It was unique in that there were several Chilean naval officers in uniform in the audience.