Climate change is escalating as “the most significant threat” to Australia’s wet tropics world heritage area, with an update to parliament reporting the outlook for the bioregion is a cause of “great concern”.
A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy earlier this year found that vertebrate biodiversity on indigenous-managed lands in Australia, Brazil, and Canada is equal to or higher than protected areas.
The BIOPAMA Action Component call for proposals for small technical grants of up to 50,000 and up to 100,000 EUR is open until 4 February 2020.
Bangu is a Karajarri Indigenous ranger, a success story from the school-based trainee program, and is close to receiving his Certificate III and becoming a senior ranger.
Economic value of protected areas via visitor mental health
We evaluate methods to calculate the economic value of protected areas derived from the improved mental health of visitors. A conservative global estimate using quality-adjusted life years, a standard measure in health economics, is US$6 trillion p.a. This is an order of magnitude greater than the global value of protected area tourism, and two to three orders greater than global aggregate protected area management agency budgets.
Palau's Pristine Paradise Environmental Fee (PPEF), a funding mechanism for the country's key conservation initiatives, as able to raise a total of $9.1 million since its implementation took off last year, according to Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism Minister Umiich Sengebau...the PPEF
A little over 20 million square kilometers, or about 15 percent, of Earth’s terrestrial surface is currently protected.
In 2020, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas will recognise and honour Pacific Islanders with a commitment to environmental sustainability and resilience within the Pacific Islands
It's often noted that getting out into nature is good for the soul, both from physical and mental health standpoints.
The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents today is considering a proposal to review possible new management options for Mauna Kea in the wake of a three-month protest against the planned Thirty Meter Telescope. Some working models could broaden the role of native Hawaiia