King, M., Passfield, K. and Ropeti, R. 2001. Management of Village Fisheries; Samoa’s Community-Based Management Strategy
Samoa currently has more than 80 fish reserves managed by the community with assistance from the Fisheries Division. This detailed document outlines the process used by communities in Samoa in the preparation of fisheries management plans and establishment of fish reserves. It describes some of the activities to be carried out with the communities (e.g. problem/solution trees) and has descriptions of some of the regulations that communities can propose as fisheries management measures (e.g. limiting the number of fishers).
There is an interesting discussion on page 16 about the benefits of many small no-take reserves in comparison to a few large ones. There are also discussions of alternatives to fishing (e.g. aquaculture) and the role of all stakeholders in the community-based process. The appendices contain examples of the questionnaires used to help fill in the management plan and an example management plan from one community.