The objective of MACBIO is to improve management of the marine and coastal biodiversity of mountainous volcanic islands (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) and flat islands and atolls (Kiribati, Tonga). Three organizations (IUCN, GIZ and SPREP) are working closely with the five Pacific Island countries at the behest of those nations. The project focuses on developing and strengthening institutional and individual capacities for biodiversity conservation in marine and coastal areas in the five target countries. The project activities include conducting economic evaluations of marine and coastal ecosystems, and incorporating the results into national development plans. A spatial planning approach that covers territorial waters and the exclusive economic zones is to be developed and made available. This will enable the partner countries to gear their national MPA networks to ecological representativity and expand them. The project aims to showcase best practices for the management of MPAs (including payments for environmental services), and to use exemplary areas to demonstrate the ensuing benefits.