Local Knowledge about Dugongs in Palau
Pacific Year of the Dugong 2011
Working Together To Save Dugongs
Disticnt Population Segments of the Humpback Whale and More
Guide régional pour l’observation des baleines et des dauphins dans les îles du Pacifique
International Whaling Commission
Marine Mammals in the Area Served by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Marine Mammals and Marine Turtles of the Pacific Islands Region
Ocean Voices: Lessons from the whales for the CBD: Humpback whales in Oceania [brochure]
Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme 2013-2017
Programme Régional Océanien sur les Espèces Marines 2013-2017 (http://www.sprep.org/attachments/Publications/Marine_Species_Programme_2013-2017_FRE.pdf)
The Marine Species Programme of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) outlines a regional strategy for the cooperative conservation and management of dugongs, marine turtles, whales and dolphins. Other marine species of conservation concern will be added as the need arise. The strategy, which will be implemented through Action Plans during 2013–2017, will enable Pacific Islanders to take a primary role in achieving the following vision: A healthy Pacific Ocean with sustainable populations of whales, dolphins, marine turtles, dugongs and other species, and meets the aspirations of Pacific Island peoples and protects their natural and cultural heritage.
Potential impacts on marine mammals from offshore development in the South Pacific