Tye, A. (compiler). 2009. Guidelines for invasive species management in the Pacific: a Pacific strategy for managing pests, weeds and other invasive species. SPREP, Apia, Samoa.
This document lists the essential components of a comprehensive and effective invasive species manage- ment programme. It has been compiled in consultation with Pacific island countries and territories, to support them in developing their invasive species work, and to guide regional and international agencies in providing assistance to them.
In order to facilitate reference and planning, the objectives are grouped into a logical arrangement of nine main Thematic Areas in three sections. All nine Thematic Areas must be taken into account in order to achieve an effective invasive species programme, whether national or regional.
- These Guidelines are intended to be comprehensive and therefore contain many objectives, but it is not suggested that any country or agency needs to carry out everything.
- Not all of the objectives will be necessary for every agency or programme. Some are appropriate for implementation at a national or local level, while others require international cooperation or are more suitable for implementation by regional or international agencies. Each agency can select the objectives that are considered important for its own programme.
- These Guidelines may be used as an aid in planning and designing any invasive species pro- gramme, at a local, national or regional level, to ensure that key aspects relevant to any given situa- tion or programme are not forgotten.
- The objectives have not been prioritised, because priorities and immediate needs will differ in dif- ferent countries and territories. The Guidelines are intended to facilitate prioritisation by each country, territory or agency, rather than to set priorities for them.