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Palau Exclusive Economic Zone (200 Nautical Miles)

Title 27 of the Palau National Code as amended by the Act (SIXTH OLBIIL ERA KELULAU) to Amend Chapter 1 of Title 27 of the Palau National Code defines the exclusive economic zone of Palau as adjacent to the contiguous zone. The inner boundary of the exclusive economic zone of each island or atoll is the seaward boundary of the contiguous zone, and the outer boundary is a line, every point of which is 200 nautical miles seaward of the nearest point on the baseline as defined unless otherwise limited by international law or agreement.

July 22, 2021

After six years, the second Oceanic Fisheries Management Project in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) has come to an end...The aim of the project was to help the small island developing states of the WCPO ensure the sustainable management of their oceanic fisheries and to better unders