When conservation scientist Junior Novera was growing up in Mapisi Village, on a bend of the Sinamut River in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, he’d never heard the term conservation.
The role and value of science in shark conservation advocacy
Many species of sharks are threatened with extinction, and there has been a longstanding debate in scientifc and environmental circles over the most efective and appropriate strategy to conserve and protect them. Should we allow for sustainable fsheries exploitation of species which can withstand fshing pressure, or ban all fsheries for sharks and trade in shark products? In the developing world, exploitation of fsheries resources can be essential to food security and poverty alleviation, and global management eforts are typically focused on sustainably maximizing economic benefts.
In October, United Nations secretary-general António Guterres made a series of key appointments. He tasked 15 scientists from around the world with providing policymakers with evidence, as well as their thoughts, on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a professional science communicator who has watched many scientists struggle to convey their research effectively, I decided it was time to apply some of the principles of good science to communication.
As a scientist who uses poetry in my research, I feel that these two disciplines are complementary, and we should embrace poetry as a tool for communicating our research and developing new understandings of our fields.
Registration is now open for the 2019 Global Ocean Science Education Workshop to be held November 13-15 in Reston, VA.
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Oceania Regional Office is inviting applications for a consultancy beginning November 2019 to undertake the role of Scientific Writer to 1.
Scientists can improve how they inform politicians and other policymakers on how to make decisions, say Hannah Safford and Austin Brown.
The head of the United Nations body responsible for ocean conservation says indigenous Pacific knowledge can help define the science needed to save the ocean. Link to full article below.
The Ocean Sciences Meeting will be held in San Diego, California from 16-21 february 2020, and is currently calling for abstracts for its session on Ocean and Marine Sustainability:Preparedness for Climate and Ocean Extreme through Societal Participation. This