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Global Fishing Watch

Global Fishing Watch is the product of a technology partnership between SkyTruth, Oceana, and Google that is designed to show all of the trackable fishing activity in the ocean. This interactive web tool – currently in prototype stage – is being built to enable anyone to visualize the global fishing fleet in space and time.

Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas and Exclusive Economic Zones

Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas and Exclusive Economic Zones

Vast areas of the ocean (millions of km2) have been designated as Marine Protected Areas (MPA), marine reserves, shark sanctuaries and other conservation categories.  Even in the absence of conservation categories overlying a nation’s 200-mile offshore exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the EEZ itself must be monitored for compliance.  Monitoring conservation areas and EEZs for legal and illegal uses such as fishing and mining is a challenge.

Monitoring Biodiversity, Socioeconomic and Management Effectiveness

​The objective of monitoring and evaluation is to determine if the management plan and annual work plans effectively contribute to achieving the plan’s objectives and desired conditions for the protected area. Monitoring and evaluation tasks should focus on rare resources, on activities authorized by the protected area administration, or on basic information needs for the protected area  administration.  With plan implementation under way, monitoring will provide the feedback loop for evaluating the plan.