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This guidebook outlines how to use communication as more than just a tool for outreach, but rather as a mechanism to catalyze change in a community’s attitude and behavior. When using various communication techniques, it is important to regard them as tools to create change from the very beginning, rather than a way to update the community on progress after the fact. Communication should not be a one sided conversation. It is ultimately a way to engage in productive dialogue with those that you are trying to reach. When used properly, strategic communication is more practical and effective than policy, especially when there is inadequate enforcement of the policy. This guidebook is an unprecedented effort by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas-Marine (WCPA) to inspire a new view on communication. It will outline different types of media strategies with step-by-step instructions so that you can determine what is the most appropriate strategy for different situations and how to effectively employ use it