By reading the cruise reports from 40 years of expeditions, we provide the first syustematic of biodiversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents around the world adjusted for research effort.
By reading the cruise reports from 40 years of expeditions, we provide the first syustematic of biodiversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents around the world adjusted for research effort.
Minister for Asia and the Pacific Heather Wheeler spoke at the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Partners' Dialogue on the UK's work to address global climate change. Link to full article below.
Indigenous Pacific knowledge should inform the science to save the world's oceans.That was the consensus among Pacific ocean scientists and other regional stakeholders who gathered in New Caledonia recently for the first global workshop aimed at arresting the decline of the world's oceans.
Peter Thomson, who is leading the United Nations’ "Goal 14" initiative for sustainable use of the oceans and marine resources, met with Chilean president Sebastian Pinera and other key policymakers to back the South American country's leadership in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (I
The Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner under the Pacific Islands Forum aims to coordinate more effective responses from regional governments when it comes to policies affecting our ocean and seas. Link to full article below.
In recent years, stakeholder engagement has been widely recognized as integral to effective marine conservation, marine ecosystem-based management, and marine spatial planning.
In September this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will release a special report on the ocean and the cryosphere, helping to give science based answers on how a changing climate will impact these areas, and us all.
The intensifying pressure on the ocean is a challenge for Pacific Islanders, so it is vital that ‘climate issues’ are prioritised. Under the topic ‘healthy oceans’ the biggest fear remains unseen as the ocean ecosystem and communities are being threatened.
The Pacific Islands’ effort and ambition for climate and ocean action was the key message conveyed to the Secretary General (SG) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Kitack Lim, during a public lecture at USP last weekend. Link to full article below.
Coastal communities have a stronger effect on local ocean acidification than previously measurements taken in California’s Monterey Bay show that it absorbs carbon dioxide emissions from the surrounding cities and agricultural lands, making it more acidic.