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This document is an important tool for promoting action. It highlights the importance of culturally‐responsive capacity development, with Pacific Islanders defining the most appropriate approaches to be used. This requires partnerships, programs, and processes that work closely with existing contexts and conditions, understand and reflect values and cultures, and help build on existing knowledge and the great strength of the region – community‐based management.  That is the purpose of this framework. Its approaches echo what Pacific Islanders have said about what works best for them in their circumstances. It is also grounded by the combined lessons and open reflections passed on by many practitioners on how to strengthen capacity in the region for planning and managing protected and other conserved areas. In addition to formal, curriculum‐based learning, there is also recognition of how a number of communities and organisations use other mechanisms, such as peer networks and information exchange, practical learning, short tailored training courses, and mentoring. While the principles and actions identified in this framework may not seem altogether new or ground‐breaking, they do reflect a more current analysis, provide a reaffirming checklist, and will serve as a stimulus for refreshed region‐wide action by partners and participants.  

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